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How to Cope with a Breakup: A Personal Journey

How to Cope with a Breakup: A Personal Journey

Breaking up is more than just the end of a romantic relationship; it's a profound emotional experience that often feels like navigating stormy seas. Whether you initiated the split or not, the waves of emotions including grief, frustration, and perhaps even relief,...

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Couples Therapy Questions to Consider

Couples Therapy Questions to Consider

You’ve made the decision with your partner to start couples therapy, but how to you find the right therapist? Interviewing therapists to work with is like dating; it can take a few interviews to get a sense of who feels like the right fit. It can feel like there is a...

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How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost?

How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost?

One of the most common questions about couples therapy is, “how much does couples therapy cost?” The cost of couples therapy can vary depending on different factors such as the therapist’s credentials, location, paneling with insurance, approach to working with...

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New Years Resolutions: Setting SMART Goals

New Years Resolutions: Setting SMART Goals

Setting a New Year’s resolution is easy, but keeping it is much harder. Many of us find ourselves energized about making a change for the new year, but the motivation can quickly drop off if you don’t see the success and results you desire.   Why People Struggle...

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What is Eldest Daughter Syndrome?

What is Eldest Daughter Syndrome?

Do you struggle with boundaries, self-advocacy, and identity or were you the oldest daughter of the family who took on the emotional needs in the household and constantly put your own needs on the back-burner? Recently, many eldest daughters have been taking to social...

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Types of Polyamory: Metamour Arrangements

Types of Polyamory: Metamour Arrangements

Let's say you have discovered or are thinking about exploring polyamory, a type of relationship style that involves multiple people. You are creating boundaries, but now it’s time to figure out how involved you want to be with your metamour(s), which is a process is...

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DBT Acronyms That Just Work

DBT Acronyms That Just Work

The path to changing your life may be possible through first changing your behaviors. While sometimes you can’t control your environment, you can control what you do and how you act. This concept was Marsha Linehan’s premise when she first created Dialectical Behavior...

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The Science Behind The Orgasm

The Science Behind The Orgasm

The big O. While you don't need to experience orgasm during intimacy for it to be pleasurable, it can be the pièce de résistance of the whole experience. We know that orgasms feel amazing, but what makes them so amazing? By looking at the science behind them, we can...

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