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Affirming LGBTQ+ Therapy

Three of the most important tenets of effective therapy are trust, safety, and the ability to unfold. When you can find a therapist you can trust, you are more likely to authentically open up and address any mental health issues you are facing. For members of the LGBTQ+ community, the need for trust, safety and expansive therapy are no different.

Everyone is human. That is where we stand.

You are valid. We see and hear you. You have a place here.

I’m Looking for LGBTQ+ Therapists Near Me: Affirmative Therapy (& Why It Matters)

When participating in therapy or any mental health treatment, your physical and emotional safety are of utmost importance. One way of preserving and honoring your safety is to work with a therapist who is non judgmental of all aspects of a person’s life such as an LGBTQ+ affirming therapist. In therapy, you should be able to discuss anything important to you. Race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, culture, lifestyle, etc. all make up who you are. We’re here for it, without judgement.

To gain the assurances you need that the therapist you’re working with is inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming, and the right fit for you, it’s a good idea to schedule a consultation. This consultation gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the therapist’s experience, and assess how they are prepared to support your needs with an inclusive, holistic, and expansive approach to therapy. You are encouraged to address any questions, fears or concerns. If it doesn’t feel like a good fit, it is okay to ask for other referrals or LGBTQ+ mental health resources such as the Trevor Project and Los Angeles LGBT Center.

At Modern Intimacy, it is a core value within our practice that all of our therapists are inclusive and affirming of everyone, of every sexual orientation and gender identity, lifestyle, and consensual relationship constellation. Our mission is to provide each and every person with the most attuned, validating care – no matter who you are or what you need help with.

Exploring LGBTQ+ Related Concerns — Or Not — In Counseling

We understand that for some people, gender, gender expression, sexuality and sexual orientation are are important explore in depth in therapy. However, not every member of the LGBTQ+ community is coming to therapy for these reasons. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community does not have to be the focus of your treatment, nor will it be a barrier to any other goals you are looking to address in therapy.

Our therapists conduct treatment from a patient-led basis. This simply means that we are here for your needs first and follow your lead. You always have free will to discuss what you’d like to discuss or focus in your sessions.


Free 30-Minute Consultation

Teletherapy Service Available

Judgement-Free Counseling

Everyone has the right to empowered, healthy, and thriving relationships. That includes you.

mental health | relationships | sexuality | healing + recovery

Affirming LGBTQ+ Therapy Options: How We Can Help

At Modern Intimacy, we can work with patients of all sexual orientations and genders. In addiction to goals related to experience mental health concerns, PTSD, depression and anxiety disorders, with are well equipped to help with concerns unique to LGBTQ+ people. Though not an exhaustive list, some of the topics our mental health professionals focus on are. Exploring gender identity or sexual orientation

  • Developing healthy relationships
  • Addressing social stigma, discrimination or related shame
  • Coming out safely and with liberation
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions
  • Sexual practices + lifestyles
  • Navigating toxic or unsupportive family dynamics
  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Safer sex practices
  • Suicidal ideation, prevention + support

If what you’d like to work on is not on this list, that’s okay. We can still help. Our inclusive and expansive therapy approach can help you build confidence, resilience, self-love, and develop or strengthen an unapologetic appreciation and celebration of your authentic self. Schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation to let us know your needs, and if we’re not the best team to help you, we’ll help you find other professionals who can.

Leaving Toxic Relationships (Including Family)

Toxic relationships can be difficult to navigate, especially when those toxic relationships involve members of your family. Many people want to believe that their families know best and have good intentions, which can make toxic behavior or abuse even more challenging to confront.

No one deserves to experience abusive or toxic relationships. Learning to identify and work through toxic and abusive relationship dynamics, whether with family, romantic partners, colleagues, or friend is essential to overall well-being. You can choose to stay or leave. Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries or developing a plan for a safe exit, can help you healing any wounds blocking you from an empowered life.

It is common for survivors of toxic relationships to experience some symptoms of trauma, once they have safely left a toxic relationship. Our therapists are trauma-informed, LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling, and can help you address and move through symptoms and trauma reaction, if they arise.

The Coming Out Process - Before, During + After

Deciding to come out about about gender or sexual orientation can feel like weight lifted. For some people, the experience feels daunting, and support can make a big difference. What can be a significant moment in your life, can come fear or anxiety.

Coaching or therapy sessions can help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and adults organize their thoughts and feelings about coming out. Whether it’s a big announcement to many people or a one-on-one conversation with a close loved one, planning ahead with a professional can give you the opportunity to have a meaningful, and empowered, experience.

If there are safety concerns, our team will help you devise a plan and locate resources. The experience Is yours to charter, and your autonomy is key. We follow your lead in terms of determining what is important to you.

After you’ve come out, having a therapist to help you process the experience(s) can be invaluable, especially if you anticipate pushback from your loved ones. Whether it goes well, or is a painful process, assimilating your experience is an integral part of starting the next chapters in your life.

Owning Your Truth & Dealing With Discrimination As A Member Of The LGBTQ+ Community

Experiencing discrimination can be a traumatizing experience for anyone, and especially for people in marginalized groups like the LGBTQ+ community. Fortunately, in some parts of the world, there has been some movement toward inclusivity. Unfortunately, discrimination and stigma still exist in some areas. No one should ever feel ashamed or vilified for who they are or who they love. We understand the profound impacts discrimination can inflict emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. While we can’t control the actions of people out in the world, we assure you that you can be exactly who you are at Modern Intimacy.

Beginning Affirmative LGBTQ+ Therapy 

If you’d like to get started with LGBTQ+ affirmative and expansive therapy, please schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation. Our team is made up of members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies, and we are happy to discuss any questions you might have to help get you started.