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Porn Addiction Recovery Online? It’s Possible With This Virtual Course

The course aims to help people struggling with compulsive pornography use to regain control of their life. It includes psychoeducation, written material, and self-directed workbook exercises to facilitate deeper learning and an empowered recovery. This course does not take the place of a traditional addiction treatment program. Rather, it is designed to be a jumpstart to recovery or a way to refresh your commitment following a relapse.

Let’s Start At The Beginning. Many Clients Benefit From Our Porn Addiction Recovery Course, Will You?

Each person has a different relationship to pornography, and there are several things to consider when evaluating problematic use and porn addiction recovery.

Visual erotica is not inherently unhealthy. Like alcohol, the relationship a person has to porn defines if it is healthy or unhealthy in their lives.

We are a sex positive group, but if someone is unable to stop watching porn, despite negative consequences (i.e., legal, lifestyle, relationship, professional, emotional or sexual health, etc.), it is possible they have developed a compulsive relationship to viewing pornography (i.e., porn addiction) and masturbation.

If you don’t know where to start, or therapy isn’t an option at this time, this Porn Addiction Recovery Course could be a good next step to help you decide if you have a problem, and how to course correct.


How do I know I need your course? What are the signs of porn addiction?


If you, or someone in your life has raised the question or expressed concern about your relationship to porn, ask yourself if any of these warning signs of porn addiction are present in your life:

  • An inability to resist the urge to watch porn, despite a stated desire to stop
  • An increase in the amount of time spent engaging with pornography
  • Continuing to use porn, despite a negative impact on relationships
  • Lying, hiding, and covering the tracks of your porn use
  • Consuming porn at risky locations (i.e. work, in public, etc.)
  • Seeking out porn that is unethical or could have legal consequences
  • Experiencing sexual dysfunction related to excessive masturbation
  • Choosing to view porn over relationships, hobbies, career, etc. to their detriment

Each warning sign is not direct confirmation of porn addiction by itself. However, all together, if you tally up the sings and decide it is time to make a change, then whether or not you identify as someone addicted to porn, this course can help you redefine your relationship to porn, masturbation and sex in a way that works for you.

I never thought I’d have a porn addiction. I feel so ashamed.

Feelings of shame are common amongst people who struggle with any kind of substance abuse or behavioral addictions. While drugs or alcohol can carry some stigma, sex (even when is no addiction or problem) can be uncomfortable to address. The extra level of sensitivity can trap people in their addiction. Sharing your truth can feel scary, but with the right support, any shame you feel can be reduced and eliminated.

Working with a sex addiction therapist or mental health professional can help reduce feelings of shame, by helping you understand how the problematic behaviors developed, and how to regain control of your life. Addiction to pornography, like substance use disorders, started as a coping strategy. You are not a bad person. You’re a person whose coping skills have lost their effectiveness.

At Modern Intimacy, we maintain a judgment free approach to treatment and recognize addiction for what it is; a coping skill that no longer serves you.

Sign Up For Our Course Today

I don’t have a problem with it… but my partner is addicted to porn. How do I help?

In many cases, a person’s partner is the first to bring attention to a possible porn addiction. Witnessing your partner’s excessive, compulsive or risky behavior naturally elevates your concerns. Some partners feel betrayed, and others are more confused.

If you learn about excessive or problematic porn use, it is important to discuss the issues with your partner, if it feels safe to do so. Equally so, it is important to get support to process your own feelings about the discovery.

It is okay to help your partner in finding resources, if they are open to getting help. While your help may be integral in their recovery, it is not your responsibility nor is it within your control to fix your partner.

If true healing is to occur, your partner must take action in order to have sustainable recovery and prevent resentment in either direction.

You play an important role in your partner’s recovery. To support your partner the best, start by educating yourself on addiction, and examining your boundaries, needs and deal breakers. If you are open to staying in the relationship, or you are unsure, having your own support is essential to keeping an open mind in the recovery process.

That process isn’t always simple or easy. Couples therapy or your own individual therapy may be recommended to help you to address the impacts of addiction on you and your relationship.

What can I do to start a recovery or healing plan?

At Modern Intimacy, we believe in evidence-based solutions so if you want to explore individual or couples counseling, a good first step is to find a Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT) and schedule a consultation to discuss options. Our Certified Sex Addiction Therapists offer a comprehensive and customized treatment plan for your lifestyle and needs.

In addition to individual counseling or couples therapy, you can also explore support groups such as Sex and Addicts Annonymous (S.A.A.). The 12-Step community is a non-judgemental and supportive environment, where people connect over similar struggles.

I don’t have the time for meetings or therapy. How can your porn addiction recovery program help me?


Our online course is offered in two formats:

  • Live weekly, online or in person (when it’s safe to return to an office),
  • Purchased online and completing in your own time

The course aims to help people struggling with compulsive pornography use to regain control of their life. It includes psychoeducation, written material, and self-directed workbook exercises to facilitate deeper learning and an empowered recovery. This course does not take the place of a traditional addiction treatment program. Rather, it is designed to be a jumpstart to recovery or a way to refresh your commitment following a relapse.

It covers all of the following topics:

  • Understand the relationship with porn, masturbation, and assess for problematic or compulsive sexual behavior,
  • Recognize triggers that compel unhealthy porn consumption,
  • Explore the cognitive, physiological, relational, and emotional impacts of compulsive porn use
  • Establish healthy coping skills,
  • Develop a plan for healthy sexuality, based on each personal values,
  • Reduce shame and improve self-esteem,
  • Identify and redirect negative or problematic distorted thinking, and
  • Improve communication skills with current or future partner(s).

Let’s do this. How do I sign up for the course?

If you are ready to move forward with your recovery, you can purchase the full course here. If you’d like to work through the course with a skilled clinician, please schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation and we can help you get started. We’re happy to answer any additional questions or concerns you have.