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Dr. Theresa Gallagher

Theresa Gallagher, Psy.D. is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of New York and a Clinical Associate at Modern Intimacy. Theresa is passionate about helping her patients find strength within themselves. Theresa works with both couples and individuals to heal from trauma, improve relationships, build resiliency, and more.
The Growing Childfree by Choice Movement

The Growing Childfree by Choice Movement

Making the decision to forgo having children is not new. However, some people are now more vocal about why they have decided to live child free by choice. Regardless of the reason, a person’s decision around having children is deeply personal and connected to personal...

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How to Navigate Sex and ADHD

How to Navigate Sex and ADHD

Neurodiversity can refer to one’s difficulty with organization, memory, concentration, time direction, perception, and/or sequencing. Neurodiversity refers to disorders including Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Tourette’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),...

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New Years Resolutions: Setting SMART Goals

New Years Resolutions: Setting SMART Goals

Setting a New Year’s resolution is easy, but keeping it is much harder. Many of us find ourselves energized about making a change for the new year, but the motivation can quickly drop off if you don’t see the success and results you desire.   Why People Struggle...

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How Dating a Narcissist Changes You

How Dating a Narcissist Changes You

In order to understand narcissistic abuse and how dating a narcissist changes you, it might be helpful to first understand narcissism. A person who meets criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, according to the DSM 5, exhibits a pattern on grandiosity that...

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