10 Internalized Misogyny Books That Can Set You Free From the Patriarchy
Did you know that feminism is the belief that both sexes should have equal opportunity in all ventures? Contrary to what those opposed to feminism may believe, it does not mean that women show bias toward their gender. True feminism seeks to level out the field...
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: How to Identify It and Heal
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is a social phobia involving a fear of rejection. People diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) often express RSD. People living with other emotional disorders like Social Anxiety Disorder experience RSD as...
Are You Really Incompetent, or is it Imposter Syndrome?
What is your internal dialogue like? Is it kind, encouraging, empowering, empathetic, fair, and compassionate? Or is it critical, judgmental, shaming, needlessly cruel, and dismissive? If the latter sounds more on the nose, you might be someone who struggles with...
Imago Therapy: How Can It Heal Relationships?
Are you struggling with navigating your adult relationships? Do you tend to be attracted to the people that are “wrong” for you? Or ever notice that you start off real strong in a relationship and then realize that similar issues tend to manifest in most of your...
Understanding and Overcoming Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual performance anxiety is a sense of anxiety or nervousness a person can feel before or during sex. When there is adrenaline pumping through your body and revving up your nervous system, it can be extremely difficult to relax and feel pleasure. While performance...
Relationship Anxiety: How to Stop Stressing About Your Relationship
For many, the moment they enter into a romantic relationship things seem to shift. The sense of ease and calm disappears and they're left with intrusive, negative thoughts and seemingly unrealistic worries. People with anxious attachment styles and those diagnosed...
Using Mindfulness to Have Mind-Blowing Sex
Mindfulness is an exercise that encourages you to be completely focused on the present moment. It is a state of meditation where you pay close attention to your feelings and sensations in the current moment with no judgement or interpretation. Not only does...
5 Ways Diet Culture Can Mess with Your Self-Esteem
Diet culture is concept that has the ability to create long-term physical and emotional harm on society. People of all ages, genders, backgrounds, body shapes and sizes can be impacted by the insidious nature of diet culture. Understanding the problematic dynamics can...
5 Subtle Signs You May Be Experiencing Slut Shaming
At some point in time, you've likely experienced slut shaming. In fact, it's probably happened a lot more than just once. Slut-shaming is something that happens to virtually all women, not just the ones who fall under the most commonly used term slut. What's worse is...
Support LGBTQ+ Organizations All Year!
Modern Intimacy supports LGBTQ+ Organizations all year, and during PRIDE will match the first $500 in donations! Email us your receipt, and we'll email you ours right back! Help us support LGBTQ+ organizations with your advocacy during Pride Month, and throughout the...
Is There A Right Time to Get Married?
Let’s be clear, there is no set time or moment that is the right time to get married. Every relationship is different, and every circumstance is not alike. Marriage is a decision that is based on you, your partner, and your relationship. The concept of how long you’ve...
The Pros and Cons of Social Media on Sexuality
In today’s day and age, people live in a digital world. Even within the past 5 years, social media use has increased by a dramatic 93%. There were over 3.81 billion users of social media sites in 2020 on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram Twitter, and Snapchat to...