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13 Tips for How to Heal From a Toxic Relationship

13 Tips for How to Heal From a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can be different for everyone. They don't always start out toxic, so it can be tricky to identify if you are in an unhealthy relationship. Even if you have identified it, it can be really hard to leave the partner for many different reasons. While...

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Cognitive Dissonance and Relationships

Cognitive Dissonance and Relationships

Think back to a time where you had to do something you did not fully want to do… perhaps going to your partner's favorite restaurant simply because it was easy. What about doing something you knew you shouldn't have been doing… such as watching the next episode of the...

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Breaking Trauma Bonds One Step At a Time

Breaking Trauma Bonds One Step At a Time

Breaking a trauma bond can feel insurmountable at times. Its often a relationship that feels draining, crazymaking, or outright toxic. There’s a part of you that knows the relationship is unhealthy and wreaking havoc on your mental health, but the idea of leaving is...

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