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“Why Am I Emotionally Unavailable?”

“Why Am I Emotionally Unavailable?”

If you’ve found yourself acting hot and cold while dating someone you were super into, pulling away after moments of closeness and intimacy, saying things like you “don’t do feelings” or you’re just not good at talking about your feelings, avoiding commitment, and/or...

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How to Navigate Sex and Menopause

How to Navigate Sex and Menopause

As a therapist specializing in sexual health, I work with a diverse array of clients, each bringing their own unique concerns to our sessions. No two days are the same, and each individual presents a different perspective. Over time, however, I've learned to recognize...

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How to Stop People Pleasing

How to Stop People Pleasing

People pleasing behaviors often stem from a deep-rooted desire for validation, acceptance, and connection. Many people pleasers, at some point, have found themselves prioritizing others' needs over their own, saying “yes” when they meant “no,” or feeling uneasy with...

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