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How to Find an LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

How to Find an LGBTQ Affirming Therapist

If you identify as part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, finding affirming mental health care can feel like a daunting task. This concern is also, unfortunately, a valid one; many sexual and gender minoritized folks report experiencing harm by providers who lack...

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How to Navigate Sex and ADHD

How to Navigate Sex and ADHD

Neurodiversity can refer to one’s difficulty with organization, memory, concentration, time direction, perception, and/or sequencing. Neurodiversity refers to disorders including Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Tourette’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),...

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Why Men’s Friendships with Other Men Matter

Why Men’s Friendships with Other Men Matter

Humans are social creatures by nature. Most people, even those who identify as more introverted or shy, benefit from authentic and genuine social connections whether those connections come from family, romantic relationships, peers/co-workers, or meaningful...

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Couples Therapy Questions to Consider

Couples Therapy Questions to Consider

You’ve made the decision with your partner to start couples therapy, but how to you find the right therapist? Interviewing therapists to work with is like dating; it can take a few interviews to get a sense of who feels like the right fit. It can feel like there is a...

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How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost?

How Much Does Couples Therapy Cost?

One of the most common questions about couples therapy is, “how much does couples therapy cost?” The cost of couples therapy can vary depending on different factors such as the therapist’s credentials, location, paneling with insurance, approach to working with...

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