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5 Ways Diet Culture Can Mess with Your Self-Esteem

5 Ways Diet Culture Can Mess with Your Self-Esteem

Diet culture is concept that has the ability to create long-term physical and emotional harm on society. People of all ages, genders, backgrounds, body shapes and sizes can be impacted by the insidious nature of diet culture. Understanding the problematic dynamics can...

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The Pros and Cons of Social Media on Sexuality

The Pros and Cons of Social Media on Sexuality

In today’s day and age, people live in a digital world. Even within the past 5 years, social media use has increased by a dramatic 93%. There were over 3.81 billion users of social media sites in 2020 on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram Twitter, and Snapchat to...

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How Does Purity Culture Trauma Impact Sexuality?

How Does Purity Culture Trauma Impact Sexuality?

There are some topics that people tend to tread lightly around. One of those topics is religion. Although discussions about religion deserve sensitivity and open-mindedness, there are some problematic elements that are too harmful to ignore, such as purity culture...

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Cognitive Dissonance and Relationships

Cognitive Dissonance and Relationships

Think back to a time where you had to do something you did not fully want to do… perhaps going to your partner's favorite restaurant simply because it was easy. What about doing something you knew you shouldn't have been doing… such as watching the next episode of the...

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