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What is POCD? Pedophilia OCD Explained

What is POCD? Pedophilia OCD Explained

In mainstream depictions of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), the condition is usually presented as someone who is preoccupied with organization, cleanliness, and order. Many people aren’t aware there are many different types of OCD such as harm OCD, relationship...

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Are There Any Dangers of EMDR Therapy?

Are There Any Dangers of EMDR Therapy?

Our brains can sometimes naturally recover from traumatic memories and events without therapeutic intervention. However, if the traumatic memories are not processed and stored properly, these experiences can continue to cause distress in the present moment and for a...

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When Should I Work With a CSAT Therapist?

When Should I Work With a CSAT Therapist?

Although many therapists claim to be able to help with addictive and compulsive sexual behaviors sex addiction, Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT therapists) have specialized training and have developed the necessary skills to work with clients specifically...

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What Does it Mean to be Neurodivergent?

What Does it Mean to be Neurodivergent?

In recent years, there has been a much-needed spotlight on neurodiversity – or the acknowledgement that there are natural variations in the human brain. Neurological diversity is not a model of disability, instead the concept of neurodiversity explains a natural...

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