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Best Porn Addiction Books to Help You Get Back on Track


A cisgender man wonders about the best porn addiction books.

Men and women who struggle with various kinds of sexual addiction frequently find themselves feeling isolated and helpless. These recommended books address the real life struggle of sex and porn addiction by providing essential tools for recovery. They also do away with the misinformation and stigma surrounding sexual addiction.

The Top 10 Porn Addiction Books

treating porn addiction skinner

1. Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery

Author: Dr. Kevin B. Skinner

Dr. Skinner compassionately explains how porn addiction can rewire the brain and lays out a comprehensive plan for overwriting this. Establishing new thought and behavior patterns leads to healthier relationships and self-esteem. In the book, Dr. Skinner also provides “Assessing Pornography Addiction,” which is an at-home tool for determining presence and severity of pornography addiction. He is both a licensed marriage and family therapist as well as a sexual addiction therapist, making him incredibly qualified to give advice regarding addictive behavior.

porn addiction books

2. Breaking Addiction: A 7-Step Handbook for Ending Any Addiction

Author: Lance M. Dodes M.D.

Dr. Dodes’ 7-step approach to treating addiction is both empowering and refreshing, as it gives those struggling the knowledge and tools to take responsibility to improve their own lives. His book is more of a general guide to understanding addictive behavior, but it is useful nonetheless in addressing sex addiction. Dr. Dodes reinforces the notion that addicts of any kind, including sex addicts, can retake control of their lives from the grips of addiction.

The porn trap

3. The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography

Authors: Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz

As essential in the category of porn addiction books, qualified therapists Wendy and Larry Maltz delve into the complex issue of porn addiction and how it can damage individual sexuality as well as relationships. They hone in on the highly addictive nature of internet pornography along with other causes of porn addiction. This book provides a thorough understanding of sex and porn addicts and a clearly-mapped road to recovery.


sex addiction 101

4. Sex Addiction 101: A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Love, and Porn Addiction

Author: Robert Weiss

In a world that offers increasingly easy access to potentially damaging pornography, Dr. Weiss outlines strategies for porn addicts to remain steadfast in their commitment to sex addiction recovery. Dr. Rob Weiss also answers more specific questions such as how sex addiction affects individual groups like women, teens and LGBTQ members differently. He is an expert in the field who has written many other books that address issues of sexuality, relationships and addiction.

breaking the cycle

5. Breaking the Cycle

Author: George N. Collins

Author and former sex addict George N. Collins provides a step-by-step plan for combatting sexually compulsive behavior in his book. The fact that Collins himself used to struggle with sex addiction makes him uniquely qualified to give compassionate and understanding, yet still effective advice pertaining to sex addiction.


your brain on porn

6. Your Brain on Porn

Author: Gary Wilson

Gary Wilson expertly combines personal testimony with complex neuroscience to paint a picture of the negative effects of porn on the brain. He gives a scientific understanding behind porn addiction at a cellular level, then goes on to talk about the experience of people who gave up porn and began to feel increased enjoyment, fulfillment and attention span. He provides incentive to stop watching porn by elaborating on how the use of pornography can cause unexpected issues like erectile dysfunction in young men. This book is one of the most discussed porn addiction books on the market.

ethical porn for dicks

7. Ethical Porn for Dicks: A Man’s Guide to Responsible Viewing Pleasure

Author: David Ley

David Ley, a well respect sex therapist and critic of the terms sex addiction and porn addiction, takes a different approach to helping people understand their porn viewing habits from an ethical lens. It is a sex positive, human positive lens that can help anyone think about ways to cope with with compulsive porn watching tendencies, and reframe their relationship with porn so that it does not leave a wake of shame or other negative consequences in their lives.


porn addiction books

8. Battling A Sex Addiction: How The Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction

Author: Carlos Triblett

Carlos Triblett gives a unique and rare perspective on sex addiction by focusing on how childhood can affect risk of sex addiction development. Triblett believes that if addicts can understand how their inner child affects their internal conflicts as adults, that will pave the way to solving those conflicts. One of the main issues in sex addiction recovery is understanding the problem. Triblett’s book gives readers the ability to distinguish relevant patterns and events from their childhood that may be a contributing factor in their sex addiction.


Patrick carnes

9. In the Shadows of the Net

Authors: Patrick J. Carnes, David L. Delmonico and Elizabeth Griffin

It is impossible to understand modern sex addiction without properly understanding the role that cybersex and online pornography play. In this book, Carnes, Delmonico and Griffin unpack the surprising and destructive power of the Internet. They discuss the causes and treatments for online sex addiction and give pointers on how to use the Internet in a healthier way to prevent addiction from taking hold.


porn addiction books

10. Life After Lust: Stories and Strategies for Sex & Pornography Addiction Recovery

Author: Forest Benedict

Forest Benedict’s incredibly personal story offers hope and validation for anyone working toward sex addiction recovery. His honest account of his own sexual addiction will resonate with anyone struggling with the same problem. His book helps deconstruct the stigma that can accompany sexual addiction and provides insight into the thoughts of a sex addict. His profession as a sex addiction therapist makes him qualified to give advice as he strives to help those in a similar position as himself.

What Comes After Porn Addiction Books?

If you or someone you love struggles with sexual addiction, there are plenty of resources at your disposal in addition to these books. Both individual therapy and couples therapy are effective for treating pornography addiction. If these signs of sex addiction sound familiar to you, consider learning about compulsive sexual behaviors with these helpful books, and never be ashamed to seek external help to heal from porn addiction.

Modern Intimacy is a group therapy practice, founded by renowned Psychologist and Sex Therapist, Dr. Kate Balestrieri. This inclusive blog is designed to provide a wealth of information and resources for mental health, relationships, and sexuality. Subscribe today to get the latest information from our expert contributors from all around the world.


Author Bio

Dr. Kate Balestrieri is a Licensed Psychologist (CA, FL, IL + NY), Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and PACT III trained Couples Therapist. She is the Founder of Modern Intimacy. Follow her on TikTok and IG @drkatebalestrieri and the Modern Intimacy team on IG @themodernintimacy.



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