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10 Question Codependent Relationship Quiz

10 Question Codependent Relationship Quiz

The term "codependent" has become incredibly popular in recent years as people begin to identify dysfunctional patterns in their love lives. Codependency is characterized by low self-esteem, feeling guilty, and a pattern of relationship addiction. Codependency is...

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The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships

The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships

In a culture where we are praised for being a perfectionist and an overachiever, it might feel counterintuitive to be open and honest about our struggles and display he power of vulnerability, especially when we are unsure of how it will be received. We are socialized...

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Imago Therapy: How Can It Heal Relationships?

Imago Therapy: How Can It Heal Relationships?

Are you struggling with navigating your adult relationships? Do you tend to be attracted to the people that are “wrong” for you? Or ever notice that you start off real strong in a relationship and then realize that similar issues tend to manifest in most of your...

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Breaking Trauma Bonds One Step At a Time

Breaking Trauma Bonds One Step At a Time

Breaking a trauma bond can feel insurmountable at times. Its often a relationship that feels draining, crazymaking, or outright toxic. There’s a part of you that knows the relationship is unhealthy and wreaking havoc on your mental health, but the idea of leaving is...

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