If you’ve found yourself acting hot and cold while dating someone you were super into, pulling away after moments of closeness and intimacy, saying things like you “don’t do feelings” or you’re just not good at talking about your feelings, avoiding commitment, and/or...
Navigating Unresolved Emotional Conflict & Co-Parenting
The ending of a relationship is a very challenging time for most people regardless of the circumstances that lead to the breakup. Post relationship, a myriad of unresolved feelings and strong emotions may exist, whether it is still having romantic feelings or even...
How to Stop People Pleasing
People pleasing behaviors often stem from a deep-rooted desire for validation, acceptance, and connection. Many people pleasers, at some point, have found themselves prioritizing others' needs over their own, saying “yes” when they meant “no,” or feeling uneasy with...
Understanding Folie à Deux and Protecting Your Relationship
In a healthy relationship, both partners maintain their individual perspectives while sharing common goals and values. Folie à deux erodes this individuality, leading to a loss of personal reality. This can cause significant emotional and psychological harm as one...
Spotting Breadcrumbing to Avoid Dating Disappointment
Ah, the joys of modern dating! Being intentional in your dating journey is clear way to work smarter and not harder as you navigate new connections. And it can certainly be a balancing act! It takes weighing the amount of time that you pour into online dating versus...
How Long Does it Take to Heal From a Breakup?
Breaking up is a seismic event in our lives, shaking the very foundation of emotions, plans, and routines built alongside another human being. It leaves behind shattered dreams, unanswered questions, and an overall profound sense of loss. Plus in the aftermath, one...
What To Do When Someone Ghosts You in 2024?
Ugh, ghosting. How is it 2024 and people are still ghosting each other?! For more than a decade this term has given language to the frustrating experience of someone abruptly ending communication with no explanation. Many people have experienced the confusion,...
Is Going ‘No Contact’ Necessary for Closure?
Breakups can be complex and challenging. In the aftermath of a breakup, many people struggle with transitioning out of the relationship that consumed so much of their time and energy. The question of, "should I remain in contact with my ex?" is a complicated one and...
What Happens When the Honeymoon Phase Ends?
POV: You’re in a new relationship and everything is going so well! You match up perfectly and everything just seems to fit. Then after some time, something starts to feel different. Perhaps you start to notice the not so small things that you didn't make note of...