Anger Management
Anger Management
What is anger management therapy?
Everyone gets angry. Anger is a necessary emotion, and one that humans cannot (and should not want) to eradicate. How people handle and express their anger… that is another story. For some people, anger is scary, unpredictable or has caused problems in their lives and relationships. Left unaddressed, anger can become a catalyst for substance abuse, addiction issues, dysfunctional relationships, poor work performance, social, physical and legal ramifications. This anger management course consists of twelve sections, designed to help each person explore and navigate their relationship to anger from a multidimensional lens, so live a life filled with options and autonomy.
Whether you do your anger management classes online or in person, each section of this anger management course contains psychoeducation, activities and exercises designed to help each person dive deeper into understanding their triggers for anger, the habitual ways they respond, and portable and practical skills-building tools to recognize anger earlier, regulate it more effectively, and express it in healthy and mindful ways. This program addresses cognitive distortions as well as somatic cues, emphasizing a focus on developing accountability, empathy, assertiveness and authenticity.
Who Can Benefit From Anger Management
Anyone can benefit from learning more about anger, and how to use it to their advantage, instead of destructively in their lives. This anger management course works best for people who know they struggle to regulate their anger and have observed how their reactions have led to negative consequences in their life, whether they have acted out their anger overtly or turned it inward at themselves. Anger without healthy expression can lead to more of the feelings that evoke anger in the first place, like shame, fear, disappointment, and anxiety. This anger management therapy program is for the person who knows they want to have a different relationship with themselves, their anger, those around them and the rest of their life.
What Specialty Topics Are Addressed?
In the anger management course, different topics and anger management techniques are covered, including the function of anger, anger and the brain, the cognitive, physiological and behavioral expressions of anger, the tie between shame and anger, gender and anger, covert and overt socialization in early family dynamics and culturally, as well as an exploration of how anger is acted out in everyday life (i.e., passive aggressively, physically, verbally, sexually, financially, entitlements, etc.). Each person has the tools within to use their anger in a healthy and productive way, and this course will help them learn how to access them, so they can change their relationship to anger so it aligns with their values.
Underlying Causes of Anger
Effective Coping Strategies
Education & Empowered Choices
Early Trauma
Mind & Body Solutions
Assertiveness Training
What Specialty Topics Are Addressed?
In the anger management course, different topics and anger management techniques are covered, including the function of anger, anger and the brain, the cognitive, physiological and behavioral expressions of anger, the tie between shame and anger, gender and anger, covert and overt socialization in early family dynamics and culturally, as well as an exploration of how anger is acted out in everyday life (i.e., passive aggressively, physically, verbally, sexually, financially, entitlements, etc.). Each person has the tools within to use their anger in a healthy and productive way, and this course will help them learn how to access them, so they can change their relationship to anger so it aligns with their values.
Underlying Causes of Anger
Effective Coping Strategies
Education & Empowered Choices
Early Trauma
Mind & Body Solutions
Assertiveness Training
Benefits Of Anger Management
Learn effective conflict resolution strategies
It can be challenging to find a way through conflict that isn’t bumpy, but when you have more anger management techniques and skills at your disposal, working through difficult conversations can be a much more manageable feat. You don’t have to go through life letting explosive, destructive, or ineffective communication keep you from success in all avenues of your life.
Improve your relationships with this anger management course.
Relationships are a hotbed of emotions. It’s completely normal to feel frustrated with those close to you, but when anger gets the best of you, your professional, familial, romantic and social relationships are bound to suffer. Working through anger management in different ways can guide you toward creating relationships based on flourishing, thriving, and respectful mutuality.
Get your needs met more effectively
Anger is a secondary emotion, one that enters the emotional landscape when other emotions arise first and feel worse. Generally, anger is a response to a sense of having unmet needs. Whether you feel unheard, devalued, disrespected, or afraid, learning how to assess your needs first, can help you get them met more efficiently, reducing anger triggers in the long run and providing a blueprint for how to handle anger when it does arise.
Avoid professional, legal, or irreparable consequences
When anger runs amok, the consequences can be dire. Anger unaddressed can lead to entitlement and acting out that may wreak havoc in your life for years to come. Unmitigated anger responses can lead to difficulties at work, lost professional opportunities and income, divorce, physical violence, which can lead to arrests and legal involvement. Anger turned inward can result in self-harm, suicidal ideation or attempts, which can result in involuntary hospitalizations, or death. Get ahead of your anger with anger management classes online, or it can take you (and others) down.
Heal underlying emotions
At the core, anger is a survival mechanism. It helps us understand when we feel vulnerable, disrespected, taken advantage of, let down or at the receiving end of a real or perceived injustice. It is a necessary emotion that signals an opportunity to explore deeper pain and find resolution at the root and learning effective ways to manage anger through this anger management course can allow it to serve you well in expressing other forms of emotional distress in ways that allow for comfort and ease.
Become a better negotiator
When managed appropriately, anger can make you an effective problem-solving strategist. In this anger management course, learn how to stand up for yourself in ways that will be heard, take you out of the role of the victim or perpetrator and into the role of an accountable and functional communicator. Take control of yourself, so you can stay at the top of your mental capacities when you’re actively upset and get more productive outcomes in conflict.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I get so angry so fast?
Anger is a protective strategy that the brain and body elicit so we know when to take action to protect or stand up for ourselves or those around us. Unfortunately, how we are trained to manage anger, and the chemicals in the brain that help anger communicate to us that action is needed, can flood our ability to exercise better judgments in how anger is expressed. Generally, there are earlier warning signs that anger is brewing, physiologically and in the way your thinking shifts. Learning these cues through anger management therapy, as well as the triggers that are likely to result in anger, can give you time to communicate your anger in a way that allows you to be in control of your anger, not the other way around.
Can I benefit from an anger management program?
Anger management classes can be a huge benefit for people as a stand-alone course or as an adjunct to ongoing anger management therapy or any individual therapy. An anger management course designed to help you navigate anger can jumpstart changes in your life almost immediately, as it can help you define anger, design an ideal way of managing it, provide skills, tools, and real-world solutions so you can start seeing improvement in your own internal experience and your relationships.
How will anger management techniques help my relationships?
When put into practice, the anger management techniques you will learn in this anger management course can significantly improve your relationships. Friends, family, children and your romantic partners are likely to notice changes in how you approach situations and you are likely to feel more empowered and able to interact more effectively. There may be some people who benefited from you losing your cool, and they may push back on the changes you make, but that will be a good opportunity for you to evaluate those relationships and set different boundaries.
How can I control my anger?
Getting a grip on anger starts with understanding yourself better. Learning how you think, your primary emotional defaults, predisposed vulnerabilities and new tools and skills will help you stay in control and manage your anger in more productive ways. A combination of minimizing triggers, developing more effective interpersonal boundaries, and an understanding of how your mind and body react to anger can help you get ahead of ineffective behavioral expressions, so you can stay in control more easily.
Will this anger management course satisfy my court mandated requirements?
Every state, county and court have different requirements for court-mandated anger management classes. Because each case may vary, it is best to discuss with your attorney, probation officer, or other authority, and consult with our Founder, Dr. Kate Balestrieri to ensure this course will satisfy your legal requirements. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information about the anger management course or to set up a free 20-minute consultation.
Is anger ever a good thing?
Definitely. The emotion anger is not the problem, but how you express it can be. Anger is a biological necessity and emotional indicator that we have to set a boundary, take action in the face of disrespect, exploitation, or marginalization, or take care of ourselves in a different way. Anger can be very useful, when you have the right tools to make it a constructive, versus destructive, force.