Living Apart Together, You and Me?
Some couples, even married couples, choose to live apart together, and have bucked the trend of of living under one roof and share a bed. Why? Well, history lent itself to cohabitation due to societal norms of marriage and gendered roles. Today, a growing population...
The Top Five Causes of a Low Libido
Low libido is an important aspect of health that often goes undiscussed in medical visits, but it is a topic worthy of attention as our bodies are designed to benefit from this aspect of ourselves beyond that of species survival. There are myriad benefits sexual...
Is Masturbation Healthy? The Pros and Cons of Masturbation
It’s no secret that masturbation can be an enjoyable way to pass some time and can be an important form of sex education. But masturbation is still so often treated as a taboo subject that it’s easy to feel confused about whether you should masturbate or how much is...
Surviving Infidelity – Understanding Why People Cheat and What to Do About it
Surviving infidelity is a unique kind of pain. When the person you trusted most in the world breaks that trust, it can be hard to know which way is up and how to move forward. When you’re working on surviving infidelity, you may start to immediately wrestle with the...