Women understand one another in a way that no one else can. The trauma and events that women experience are often more common than they realize - at least, before speaking to another woman about it. This blog post will discuss the relationships of women and the...
How The Mother Wound Impacts Sexuality
Growing up identifying as female often means looking to a mother figure for guidance on the transition to womanhood. When there is a mother wound, there can be a profound impact on a woman's sexuality. Many women internalize their mothers beliefs, values and...
What is Bimbofication & Why is it Rising in Popularity?
iD Magazine announced 2021, "The year of the bimbo." As the #GirlBoss era comes to a halt, a rise of newly liberated individuals comes to the forefront of pop culture, the bimbos. It's time to discard preconceived notions of what a bimbo of the bygone era was because...
Why Do Some Vagina Owners Get Labiaplasties?
With numerous cosmetic surgeries all promising a more beautiful and happier you, how does one decide to get labiaplasty? What is labiaplasty and why do some vagina owners decide to get it? How does labiaplasty changes one’s view of themselves and their sexual...
Roe v Wade Overturned: How You Can Support Uterus-Owners?
In a time of uncertainty and ever-changing political landscapes, it can be difficult to know how to support those individuals who will suffer as a result of the Roe v Wade overturned decision. What Recently Happened to Roe v Wade? Prior to 1973, the...
How to Cope with Perinatal/Postpartum Anxiety
While having a newborn baby can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience, it also can pose challenges for both parents, specifically the one who gave birth! Adjusting to life postpartum can feel quite vulnerable, lonely, and overwhelming. At least 1 in 5...
Secrets of Playboy
"Secrets of Playboy" is a new A&E series that goes through Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire in Los Angeles and all the ways that the young women who worked for Playboy experienced poor treatment. Modern Intimacy's founder, Dr. Kate Balestrieri, was a featured expert...
Do Women Like Anal Sex? It Depends
Over seventy percent of Americans have tried oral sex. That number includes women of all sexual orientations. But, do women enjoy having anal sex? Or are they just pleasing their partners? The short answer? It depends on the woman. What Is Anal Sex? Anal...
You Are Not Broken – Anorgasmia & Improving Intimacy
Movies, porn, social media, and countless other platforms make it appear as if orgasm with each sexual encounter is simple, quick, and occurs every time. On the contrary, evidence shows that 5 to 10 percent of vulva owners will experience anorgasmia at some point....