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Secrets of Playboy

Secrets of Playboy

"Secrets of Playboy" is a new A&E series that goes through Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire in Los Angeles and all the ways that the young women who worked for Playboy experienced poor treatment. Modern Intimacy's founder, Dr. Kate Balestrieri, was a featured expert...

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Asexuality: Exploring the Asexual Spectrum

Asexuality: Exploring the Asexual Spectrum

Sexuality exists on a wide spectrum. Every single person’s relationship to sex and sexuality is unique and can be fluid throughout the span of one’s life. Asexuality is a sexual orientation that is often misunderstood and judged. Exploring the identities of the...

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Why is Sex Talk So Taboo?

Why is Sex Talk So Taboo?

Sex, a fundamental process to our existence as human beings, is seldom discussed in relationships and society as a whole. It is something most everyone is born interested in and can derive pleasure from, yet it is still approached with so much shame, fear, and...

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Is There a Link Between Pornography and Depression?

Is There a Link Between Pornography and Depression?

There are many opinions when it comes to porn consumption and the potential negative effects of pornography. Like many conversations around sexual behavior, there is often a lot of nuances to consider because people are not a monolith, and everyone’s mental and sexual...

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Do Women Like Anal Sex? It Depends

Do Women Like Anal Sex? It Depends

Over seventy percent of Americans have tried oral sex. That number includes women of all sexual orientations. But, do women enjoy having anal sex? Or are they just pleasing their partners? The short answer? It depends on the woman.   What Is Anal Sex?   Anal...

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Simplified Sex Ed: How to Have Sex for the First Time

Simplified Sex Ed: How to Have Sex for the First Time

Having sex for the first time can seem really overwhelming, and a lot of people report feeling a little nervous; they often worry it will hurt or that they won’t know what they’re doing and be “bad” at sex. First and foremost, there is no “good” or “bad” when it comes...

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