Growing up identifying as female often means looking to a mother figure for guidance on the transition to womanhood. When there is a mother wound, there can be a profound impact on a woman's sexuality. Many women internalize their mothers beliefs, values and...
How Dating a Narcissist Changes You
In order to understand narcissistic abuse and how dating a narcissist changes you, it might be helpful to first understand narcissism. A person who meets criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, according to the DSM 5, exhibits a pattern on grandiosity that...
When Should I Work With a CSAT Therapist?
Although many therapists claim to be able to help with addictive and compulsive sexual behaviors sex addiction, Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT therapists) have specialized training and have developed the necessary skills to work with clients specifically...
Why Do People Self Harm?
Self harm is a concept that both impacts people and is hard for some to understand. Some can’t imagine going out of their way to hurt themselves on purpose, however, the origin and reason behind self harming behaviors is typically more complex than simply wanting to...
How to Reparent Yourself Through Inner Child Work
As children, we need consistency, security, safety, and healthy modeling of emotions to make sense of our internal experiences and emotional needs. Sadly, not all of us get to have those essential needs met and as a result, we start to be out of touch with our own...
The Complex Grieving of Ambiguous Loss
At some point in life, most people will deal with loss and grief. While natural, people experience grief differently, and not all grief is created equal. Ambiguous loss is one of those cases. This type of loss presents ambiguity that complicates the grief process and...
What is Sexsomnia, and Is There Help?
Over fifty million Americans suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. But, some disorders are more common than others. Have you ever woken up to find yourself having sex? Well, you might be suffering from sexsomnia. Read on to find out, what is sexsomnia and what you...
Do I Need Therapy? 10 Ways it Could Help
Anyone feeling overwhelmed, struggling with negative thoughts, or looking to expand their self-reflection or understanding can benefit from therapy. Various life challenges can impact a person’s mental health and sense of emotional well-being, from problems at work or...
Is There a Link Between Pornography and Depression?
There are many opinions when it comes to porn consumption and the potential negative effects of pornography. Like many conversations around sexual behavior, there is often a lot of nuances to consider because people are not a monolith, and everyone’s mental and sexual...