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Why Men’s Friendships with Other Men Matter

Why Men’s Friendships with Other Men Matter

Humans are social creatures by nature. Most people, even those who identify as more introverted or shy, benefit from authentic and genuine social connections whether those connections come from family, romantic relationships, peers/co-workers, or meaningful...

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The Psychology of Soft Boys

The Psychology of Soft Boys

According to Urban Dictionary a Soft Boy is a “less masculine boy who is described as ‘cute’ based on their soft or gentle characteristics” and “a F*ck Boy with a cocky attitude.” They are recognizable by their almost feminine aesthetic that often pushes back against...

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Your Blue Balls Aren’t the Problem

Your Blue Balls Aren’t the Problem

With lackluster sex education still the norm, the notion of women’s sexuality as men’s sexuality light persists. Following feminist theory, the dominant group remains in charge and thus the subordinate, women, continue to experience oppression, even in the bedroom....

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